Monday, September 23, 2019

Welcome to the 'Know Your Why' Blog.

Why is it so important to 'Know Your Why'?

Simple: To give you the mental strength and drive to make this business work.

That makes it sound like the business is incredibly hard - it isn't. What is hard for many people is PERSEVERANCE.

And THAT above all else is what it takes to be successful. Provided you have PERSEVERANCE, you will reach your goals and achieve your dreams.

'Know Your Why' is what you bring into play every time you meet an obstacle, every time you think of quitting, every time the business seems to be two steps forward, one back.

'Know Your Why' is the reason some people succeed and others drop by the wayside.

There are two types of 'Why':
  • What you're motivated towards - your goals
  • What you want to get away from or avoid

I'm going to share my 'Why'(s) and I hope some of you will share yours.

To your success.

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